Here’s what Musical Director Harry said to the choir in a message afterwards:
Thank you so much for yesterday’s concert – I really think we managed to pull it out of the bag (as it were!) The Britten was wonderfully buoyant and full of energy (particular congratulations for the hard work put in for the tricky fast sections… it was worth it in the end!) As for the carols, I think we gave a suitably rousing rendition that sent everyone off feeling far more Christmasy than when they came in, which is what it’s all about!
Thanks for a fantastic term of music making and I look forward to getting stuck into the Mozart next term.
Bob, one of the basses said:
“Well, I think we nailed it, good and proper. This is very much thanks to you, Harry, for all your hard work, professionalism and dedication in obtaining the best from an essentially amateur (i.e. for the love of it) choir. The choice of music was superb. For me it was one of the most enjoyable carol concerts I have been involved with and it was a full house.”
And from Cathie, a soprano:
Thank you to everyone that made Sunday’s concert so special. What a wonderful afternoon it was singing to a sold out venue, and our first thanks should go to our guests.
Soloists, Sapphire Armitage and Maisie Hulbert and Harpist Esther Beyer who mesmerised us all.
From SCS, we must thank Harry Bradford for leading us through some challenging and exciting music accompanied by a harp, and James for his magnificent organ accompaniment and of course the many flights of stairs he ascended and descended to play the piano too!
A huge thank you must go to all the SCS members who make events like this happen, these include the committee members and everyone that pitched-in to serve refreshments and set up stage or dismantle at the end.
Most of all, our thanks to the audience, who made it a very memorable occasion and participated beautifully. We look forward to seeing you all in the new year.
Stanmore Choral Society had invited everyone to join us at our Christmas Carol Concert in Sunday 15th December 2019 at St Mary the Virgin Church, Kenton. It’s an annual family-friendly concert with a chance to join in with some favourite carols.